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As We Start to Emerge from Lockdown


Dear Colleagues, Friends and Clients

As I write this week’s note, the world is starting some form of emergence from the lockdown, albeit we are still living in a pandemic situation. Shops are opening, people can form ‘bubbles’ to see each other and there are rumours abound about further relaxation of rules.

As the Prospect team are a reflective bunch anyway, we have talked about the impact of Lockdown over these last three months. Some people have children home, from toddlers through to adult children, and have been navigating how to balance time between work, teaching and self. We have talked about differences in usual daily routines including structure for work, travel and exercise, and of course the way we interact with others. More than once we have said ‘When this is over I will appreciate x more’, or ‘When lockdown is over, I am not going back to y’. World events and Black Lives Matters have provoked a lot of thinking about the world we live in and how we would want to make changes in the future. As a team of coaches, we recognise that change often starts within, and with reflection and insight.

So now is a great time to look at life balance and using the Wheel of Life Tool can be a great start – this is the free resource provided this week in our Reflection section of resources. I would ask – if there is one big priority for yourself – what is that? If there is one big priority for the world that you can influence – what would that be?

Stay safe and keep in touch – remember we are still offering pro-bono coaching and many of our courses and events are available through Zoom.

Donna and team.

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