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Our CEO and Friends Take Local, Social Action to Supply Scrubs to NHS


As reported in the Manchester Evening News, Donna was in the pink this week, along with friends Brett Dearden and Alison Hamilton.  They have now formed a group of 12, plus two other local spin off groups have been created, to contribute to the PPE situation.

Donna said 'This has felt really personal – as well as family and friends working in the NHS, care and other key worker roles, Prospect and the team work closely with the NHS and some have been clinicians too. We couldn’t sit by and do nothing about the shortage of scrubs in some places – so we got started. As lovely as the MEN article is, the serious issue of the safety of all workers exposed to risk remains our focus. We know from our work with Well North that communities possess incredible people, skills and creativity – and this is one small example in action”

You can find the article here.

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