Dear Colleagues, Friends and Clients,
The last few days have seen the announcement of a further (at least) three week lockdown. The Prospect team have continued to meet by Zoom every week and, although we look like an edition of celebrity squares, it has been invaluable to connect, discuss, share, and think together about how we are, how others are, and mostly – what can we do to help.
So, we have continued publishing a series of free resources on our Covid support page. This week we concentrate on well-being and resilience and offer three items. One is a fantastic blog (a four minute read) by Jackie Barringer. This draws upon her many years of experience as a coach and facilitator supporting individuals, teams and organisations through challenges such as the last credit crunch, and indeed coaching people through the current Covid crisis.
We also include a powerpoint-based self coaching workbook written by myself with a number of tools and techniques for some personal reflection and support. This contains material we use in workshops and in coaching. Both the workbook and the blog contain reading and internet references.
Finally, to tie it all together, Matt Worden, provides an illustrated one side worksheet to allow you print it off and to write your own wellbeing plan. If you can take anything from five minutes onwards for your self care, please do.
A reminder that many of our team coaches are offering free speed coaching sessions during this time – please just contact us on 0161 236 6733.
Our team conversation was very thoughtful this week – recognising what challenge, and even trauma, some NHS staff will be experiencing at work, and of course other key workers. We send our deep respect and thanks.
Donna, Jackie, Richard, Louise and the team.