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Leadership programme (System leaders working together-leading together)


1st master class of the Leadership programme (System leaders working together-leading together) 20th April 2015

A really interesting first master class. The delegates were absolutely fantastic in their discussions and participation. We are really thrilled to have such an excellent group of people. Jackie Barringer and Rob Booth delivered this master class to define leadership and identify how leaders learn and develop. Many participants commented on the impact of the leadership style in their team and the importance of followership. As said by them:

  • ”I will reflect on my own leadership style and how can incorporate different styles into everyday practice”

  • ”Actively identify my individual team members ‘following’ style through informal observation and personal/professional knowledge”

The Launch of the Leadership programme (System leaders working together-leading together) has been a success

Starting with Theresa Fenech (Deputy Director: Quality Assurance at NHS England)national speaker and lead for a call to action for HV- gave an overview of the progress in the outcomes for HV a call for action mobilisation project along with the forward 5 year NHS Plan. In looking at sustaining the implementation and changes required for the next 5 years. Theresa outlines that Leadership, innovation is key.

Andrea Johns and Justin Rooke spoke of their leadership journeys, and the fellowship they have undertaken as part of the Institute of Health visiting

Julie Acton a previous participant from cohort 1 shared with delegates how she benefited from the programme, transferability of the master classes and projects to the workplace which improved her leadership, managerial skills in improving care for the children and families

Donna Bradshaw, Jackie Barringer and Dolores gave an overview of what participants can expect to gain from the programme, they looked at how leaders learn and the key aspects all delegates will need to be aware of in preperation for the programme.

Jacky Knapman – Programme Director Health Education North West who spoke of her leadership journey, the fantastic achievement achieved across the Northwest. Jacky has been retired on the 31st March and all participants, their managers and Prospect wish her well in her future ventures.

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