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A celebration to end the EMLA leadership programme

Dolores Anastasopoulou

Last week our NHS clients will have seen the production of the secretary of state in his 20-year vision. In this he speaks about leadership and the 19 recommendations in the Rose report. Last week Prospect celebrated the learning of senior leaders in financial services across the East Midlands. The programme has been sponsored by EMLA and FSD EM.

The nine month programme has involved 5 – 2 day master classes, expert speakers, service improvement projects and action learning sets. The programme culminated in a celebration event where EMLA, FSD, and sponsors heard the improvements made in the projects, the learning, and leadership journey of all delegates. It was fantastic to hear on the last day of how their skills as leaders and managers have developed and will support them to deal effectively the future challenges. An alumni will be formed to support these leaders work as system leaders across the East Midlands leading and supporting the key changes required as part of the 5 year forward view.

A big thanks to all the delegates for our beautiful flowers, bubbly and cards, thanks to our speakers, EMLA and FSD EM for all their support.

Why not look next week at the leaders story Boards....

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