We know that health, well-being and happiness are more often the consequence of people having good jobs or a purpose in life; decent homes; good relationships and community; sometimes access to sports, activities, arts and having hope and optimism. We need NHS services to be accessible and good, but there is huge potential to prevent illness and lack of well-being by focusing instead on the areas of life that make a much bigger impact on how we can all feel day to day.
The Well North Programme, hosted at the University of Manchester and led by CEO Sam Tunney and Executive Chair Lord Andrew Mawson now has 8 northern towns and cities (pathfinders) engaged on the programme. Each has developed a proposition and action plan to improve the health of the poorest fastest – working in radically different ways.
Working with the Pathfinders and engaging people who are not the ‘usual suspects’ from the community, business, voluntary sector and public services, we are learning that leadership, connections and relationships are unleashing untapped opportunity and potential. The propositions include creating new opportunities for employment; developing the arts and areas of natural beauty; partnerships with sports – all working alongside local, community leaders.
Donna is the System Leadership Advisor for Well North and is now developing the Leadership Theme, which to date has included attending the Defence Academy Command Level Leadership Programme with 9 local leaders – an intense but highly relevant experience for all. Donna will be working with the pathfinders and experts in leadership development to ensure that spotting, backing and developing local leaders is delivered as part of the programme.