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Well North Leadership Offer On Its Way!


All ten Well North Pathfinders met this week at the quarterly Hub meeting - a vibrant meeting where lessons are shared and connections are fortified.

Donna shared a proposal for leadership development for people from our pathfinder communities, regardless of experience, background or role - what matters is the commitment to work with each other to support long term change in the community.

The proposal, which includes pathfinders coming together for a residential, workshops and working locally on shared opportunities, was well received and the next steps are to look for recruitment and dates.

Many thanks to Matt Worden, Claire Haigh and Jackie Barringer as well as

all the pathfinders for co-creating this exciting programme. Donna is the programme's System Leadership Advisor and the development of this programme has been greatly assisted by the generous sharing of learning from many individuals and partners - and in that spirit we will share our learning too.

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