This spring and summer, the Prospect team have been honoured to be working with almost 230 amazing NHS Cancer professionals to develop their leadership and MDTs. The Northern Cancer Alliance has recommissioned us following our successful leadership programme for 80 MDT leads in 2018. Jackie Barringer is leading this work.
We are delivering some in-depth workshops on the topics of team building, emotional intelligence and chairing skills. We will also be supporting the development of some specific MDTs. In Cheshire and Merseyside we are now half way through delivering a series of one day Leadership Masterclasses for 145 people – including system leadership, developing strong teams, personal styles and communication.
Our friends and colleagues at the NHS Transformation Unit - Leila Williams, Melissa Surgey and Lee Hay - all shared their personal transformation tips, and Alison Meehan shared her very moving and powerful patient experience.
On all courses our actor colleagues, Richard and Terry, delivered skills practice for handling difficult conversations. Matt Worden, our arts based leadership expert, captured visual minutes and we cant wait to see the final version. Other Cancer Alliances are making enquiries about working with us – for us as a team, this is a huge priority as cancer touches all of our lives at some point and we are highly motivated to continue to contribute.