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The Workforce Crisis or Opportunity - Prospect and NHS Transformation Unit Developed a Powerful Appr

Calum Fisher

Population and Place Based Workforce Planning approach live in Morecambe Bay

Workforce planning is often short term and reacting to crisis or opportunity – but Prospect and the NHS transformation Unit have pooled our strengths and experience to develop a fresh, radical and powerful new approach.

Through putting the population and place at the centre of the process, using robust data and taking a longer term future focus, we work with clients to engage clinicians, partners and staff to design, plan and deliver the future workforce.

This builds in the response to the unique circumstances of the place we are working in – hot spots, trends, opportunities. We take a population health focus and a holistic view – taking opportunity to design in integrated roles, forging connections to local assets and community strengths.

We work on a strong model of co-production in partnership with clients to engender the effective engagement of people throughout and the ability to continue the approach afterwards. We also partner with the Strategy Unit to bring in their options analysis expertise as required.

The NHSTU, as part of their wider work in Morecambe Bay, have introduced our approach and have had a great response from two stakeholder events. We will be working together to develop local workforce champions in the Autumn, and to take a place-based approach to some particular workforce issues in Morecambe Bay over the summer.

Please contact donna@weareprospect or or

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