We are really proud of our team of consultants and associates - even more so because 13 (yes 13!) of the team are also qualified and highly experienced coaches, many of whom also supervise and train other coaches. Coaching unlocks the potential, ideas, creativity and strengths in people to facilitate clear thinking, decision making and personal development. We offer a fully comprehensive and integrated service as below
One-to-one coaching: We coach individuals from all walks of life - Chief Executives, community activists, social entrepreneurs, change agents, leaders, directors, actors, clergy, TV producers and crew, NHS clinical leaders and staff, small business owners, writers - we could go on.
People usually work with their coach for 3-6 sessions and topics include career change, improving performance, relationships at work, developing a service or business, handling conflict, political and complex change. Some of our coaches are further qualified in applying psychological techniques to help clients to work with their own motivators and drivers and to address any blocks to their goals.
Team coaching: We work with teams to develop team effectiveness - focusing on vision, strategy, communications, behaviours, relationships and more - using a range of evidence based tools
Supervision: We offer coaches best practice supervision as individuals or in groups.
Coach Training: We deliver training for coaching - ranging from one day coaching skills for managers through to ILM Coaching qualifications.
Coaching Culture: We have supported a number of organisations in developing a Coaching Culture in their organisation which has included a range of activities including coaching training, communications, awareness raising, supporting coaching network and policy development and evaluation.
Coaching job-shares and ‘close’ pairs: We coach job-shares from executive level to front line level, and also close ‘pairs’ in organisations such as CEO/Chair and Directors of Operations/nursing/quality.
Please get in touch if you or your organisation would like to know more about the impacts and benefits of our coaching offer.